Common 5 Qualities of Shoes Everyone Should Check


Common 5 Qualities of Shoes Everyone Should Check

According to study, over an average life, our feet are used to travel approximately 5 times around the circle of the globe. We don't give the feet -- or our shoes a lot of focus beyond the aesthetics.

Shoes are perhaps the most crucial component of a person's outfit because no other piece of clothing has to fit precisely and serve crucial mechanical functions like shifting body weight.

In addition to the immediate discomfort of feet, improper or insufficient shoes can cause problems with lower leg muscles, hips, knees, and the lower back.

Furthermore, the risk of falling - which could be devastating for the elderly - is the most often experienced by those who wear inadequately fitting shoes.

Good shoes include:

Many qualities make a great shoe. The majority of the time, price isn't an element as a good shoe can be more affordable than a shoe that isn't, but the most well-known brands aren't an assurance of quality shoe.

It is important to determine whether the shoe meets the following characteristics.


It is recommended to have an adjustable strap like laces or Velcro that allows adjustment according to the individual's requirements.


The heel support of the shoes or heel cup must be supple and stable to prevent horizontal or vertical heels from moving.

The room is spacious enough

There should be plenty of space (both the width and the depth) on the front of your shoe to accommodate your toes. When you walk, your foot is spread and lengthens by one centimeter per direction.

It is why you must select shoes that are longer than the longest toe, by approximately the size of the thumb.

Maximum 2.5cm (1 millimeter) heel

The shoe heel should be no more than 2.5cm at its highest. In case it is not, the ankle and heel become unstable and are vulnerable to sprains and forefoot discomfort.

In good condition

Check your footwear regularly and throw away damaged shoes since they typically have lost the basic function they were designed to serve.

Running in worn-out running shoes can increase the strain and force on your joints and knees, resulting in overuse injuries. It is recommended that running shoes are changed every 500-650 km (300-400 miles).


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